Monday, December 1, 2008


The Newest

Art As Resistance has transformed into Artist Resistance Movement for Dignity (ARMD) to better struggle with the people.

Did we mention that we hosted a film screening at the Stoop with the back in May?
In the early part of the summer 2008, members ran to honor and protect sacred sites with the Peace and Dignity Journey runners in Humboldt County, Sacramento, San Diego and Mexico (
We created a float for the Klamath Salmon Festival to support the Undamming of the Klamath River. Congratulations and good luck to Dale Ann Frye Sherman and David Gensaw Sr. for their election to tribal council.
We met community members at our “other I Street Block Party” and California Indian Days table.
We supported the Black and Brown Community Reception at Humboldt State University.
ARMD members united with Humboldt Communidad, the Bayside Grange and Ink People Center for the Arts for a Dia De Los Muertos celebration. At the same time we supported the all-black cast of “The Colored Museum” by creating the set for this amazing play.
We also made audio and video recording of Poetry is Not A Luxury V. Mix CD to come
Ongoing is research and understanding of indigenous sovereignty issues along the Klamath River in the hopes of creating a video.
We participated in the “Arts Movement/Moviemiento de Artes” camp at the Bayside Grange where volunteer artists and educators worked togethor with 8 to 18 year olds to examine issues of Social Justice through art.

Finally, we are making plans to join our extended family in Mexico City and San Cristobal de Las Casas for the First Global Festival of Dignified Rage : Otro Mundo, Otro Camino : Abajo y a la Izquierda